Writers seem to fall into two categories when it comes to editing. Either they struggle to produce a first draft, and then relax and edit; or they happily pound out a first draft, and then look forlornly at the fruit of their labor and wish it could edit itself.
I am in the latter category, and so I am very interested in how to stay motivated to do what I find to be the most difficult part of the writing process. Here are a few tips that work for me, and I hope they will help others with my mindset.
1. Learn how to edit. This one seems like a no-brainer, but I actually had to realize this consciously at some point. I thought I knew perfectly well how to edit, because my idea of editing was moving around a few paragraphs, cutting out a sentence or two, checking for consistency errors, and then fixing up the spelling and grammar. Those are certainly things you do during editing, but that isn't the heart of the process. I had to go back to the drawing board and really dive into the nature of editing. Until I did, I had no idea how to address issues with major and minor plot arcs, how to rewrite entire sections, how to check the progression of character growth, and so much more. The short version is, that in becoming a more skillful editor, editing has become less tedious.
2. Rally your support network. If you don't have people to help support your writing efforts, it is worth the time to build a network. This might include a personal writing group in your local area, joining a writing association or society, connecting with people at local small bookstores, finding like minded people via social networks, using online writing forums, and more. They can be there to help motivate you, just as you can be there for them.
3. Make a schedule and set benchmarks. Any job seems daunting when you look at the whole thing at once. Break your editing project down into pieces. Set reasonable deadlines for each of those pieces. Set benchmarks so that when you reach certain points, you can go back and reassess how your plan is working, and tweak it up if necessary.
4. When editing, don't do anything else but edit. It's easy to get distracted if we allow ourselves to constantly multi-task. We find ourselves texting, tweeting, checking email, seeing if we have any phone messages, eating at our desk, etc., all while we occasionally take a stab at editing. Instead of taking that kind of a approach for a long time, take a single-task approach for a short time. Take a twenty minute chunk and do nothing but edit. Stay on task. It will be easier to swallow if done in small increments, but as you develop focus, it will be more natural to just do editing, and ignore the email.
5. Celebrate when you reach intermediate goals. So many
times we deny ourselves any celebration or congratulations until a
project is utterly completed. It is more motivating to set intermediate
goals along with your long term goals, and then be sure to celebrate
all of them. Have others join in when you celebrate, and do something
to mark the occasion, however small.
Well, that's five! There are a lot of other ways you can motivate yourself to get those edits done. What are your favorite ways to keep yourself chugging away?
Pax, all.
Image Credit: Editing, Nic's Events, Flickr via Creative Commons, CC 2.0
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Prompt the Muse #40 - Speculative Writing Prompt
Photo: Crow at Night
Image Credit:
Full Moon Night by
Luz Adriana Villa on flikr via Creative Commons CC 2.0
Friday, July 27, 2012
Create Your Own Definition of "Writer"
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Reborn by Ruth-Tay |
It's ironic, because when I first started writing I wasn't thinking about being a writer. I just wrote. I had stories in my head, and I started writing them. A point came when I felt like I needed to defend it. I still don't know why, but other people had things they were doing that seemed worthwhile and important. My writing was worthwhile and important to me, but I had a hard time believing anyone else would see it as more than a hobby.
Again, why do other people's definitions matter? But I hadn't yet thought about that. Instead, I started looking for the definitions, the benchmarks, and the perfect indicators of true writer-hood.
One of the benchmarks floating around out there is that if you do something for 10,000 hours, you will become an expert. It was an idea originally suggested by Ericsson, a psychologist, and then developed in more detail by Gladwell in his book Outliers. Ten thousand hours means essentially pursuing your interest 40 hours a week for five years (or fewer hours a week over a longer time frame, of course.) I've definitely put in those hours, and then some, so I was happy to check that one off.
Another important benchmark I've heard bandied about is the one million words of crap idea. I can't find the original source for certain, but it is probably Hemingway, and then rephrased by other sources like Henry Miller and Michael Crichton. The concept is to just write, since the first million words are bound to be garbage, anyway. After you put in those first million, then you can start with the good stuff. Well, I have more than two million words of fiction on this computer as we 'speak.' I was relieved to find I could cross that one off twice.
Still, I kept looking. How many of other people's definitions did I need to satisfy me? One was that a writer wrote every day. That one was too ambiguous and caused me anxiety. Write what? Just the fiction stuff? How about the blog posts I love to write, could I count those? I've already published a textbook - did that writing count? Then it got worse. Some people said they only felt like writers when they got a story published. Others said they had to get paid for that story. Still others said it had to be a 'professional' level sale. Then onto the novels - had to be written, or edited, or published in small press or big press or with an advance of whatever size and then ...
Finally I got a clue. It was actually a difficult paradigm shift. I decided to ignore all the other definitions, and chose my own. It simply came down to the canonical "I write therefore I am." I am a writer because without writing, I'm not me.
I chose "Reborn" for this post because I wanted to express the feeling of leaving behind the old, of becoming powerful, and of flying above it all. When I realized that only I had the power to define myself, it was both wonderful and scary. I'm a stickler for rules, and I wanted to do it "right." Yet it is something only my gut could really tell me.
No amount of formulas will make you feel like a writer. It is something you come to understand about yourself, to claim, and finally say to #@*& with anyone else's ideas of what you are.
How do you define yourself and why?
Pax, all.
Image Credit: Reborn by Ruth-Tay on deviantArt.com. Used with generous permission from the artist. Ruth-Tay is a young concept artist who lives in the Netherlands. Her gallery is filled with hordes of fantastical creatures, especially dragons. All have excellent color and sense of motion. The artist sees the phoenix as "beautiful creatures with magical healing powers. They can become hundreds maybe thousands years old. When they die they burst into flames and are reborn out of there own ashes."
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Top Ten Cult Movie Favorites: Horror
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Do Not Touch Chain. |
You'll note my list is completely devoid of the standard pulp horror fare like Halloween, Friday the 13th, Saw, Chucky, and so forth. Movies like that are good at producing shock and scream-surprises, but once you know what's coming they lose their appeal. I've never been fond of gore for gore's sake or cheap frights you get from just being startled. Humor-horror, or psychological-surreal horror are more my style.
As before, my reasons for picking movies as "cult" is in my first Top Ten Cult Movie List: Science Fiction.
And as before, I had to define "horror" for myself in order to decide which movies I would consider. That ended up being broken down into two factors: (a) movies that contained ample horror tropes such as haunted castles, zombies, vampires, ghosts, etc. OR (b) movies that had moments where I was actually really scared, regardless of genre or tropes.
10. Ghostbusters - 1984 - Really campy beyond words. Plenty of laughs even when you already know the jokes. A few scenes are even mildly scary, and I can say I hope I do not find a Zool in my refrigerator.
9. Trilogy of Terror - 1975 - There really weren't any horror buffs around me growing up, and so I was alone for a long time thinking that I, only I, knew the true terror of the trilogy. The first two were scary enough, but I was frightened out of my mind when I saw the third. The Zuni doll was the scariest thing ever. Now I know others also worship this 25 min long bit of horror movie gold.
8. Night of the Living Dead - 1968 - Old, hokey, and really pretty darn scary. Except for the scenes where they show the zombies eating, and then it's funny. The ending is a shock, too, which isn't the case for most zombie style horror films. Good, wholesome cult horror entertainment.
7. The Dead Zone - 1983 - There was a time when I'd say "Dead Zone" and no one would know what movie I was talking about. Then there was a TV version, I think (I don't watch TV). But I was making cult movie madness of this flick back before all that TV nonsense. Nice, quietly creepy stuff, with a really despicable presidential candidate who gets what's coming to him.
6. The Lost Boys - 1987 - Yeah, I know, "how many times can you say 'Michael?'" This is mostly so stupid, but I love it for how bad it is - and the great soundtrack. It is so corny and so overdone you just can't look away.
5. Heavy Metal - 1981 - Okay, you are wondering why this is in my horror category. First of all, my fantasy category had four times as many movies in it. But mostly, this movie is here because it scared the crap out of me. The only common element between the stories is an evil green ball that mutates people or just obliterates them completely. The funny bits did not make the flick less scary. Oh, and of course the animation and soundtrack are righteous.
4. Little Shop of Horrors - 1986 - At this point you have probably lost all faith, but I can't help it. This is definitely one of my cult favorites, and I adore the soundtrack. The movie is just creepy and gross enough that it is still definitely horror, even though it is much more campy than previous versions. The dentist is such a wonderfully greasy egomaniac.
3. Fright Night - 1985 - Truly a cult wonder. Even though it was remade, this older version remains on my list. It was my definition of a vampire film that remained entertaining and watchable even after you knew what was coming. The makeup effects on the protagonist's girlfriend kept me up at night. Reminded me of the Zuni doll, actually. Brrrr.
2. Young Frankenstein - 1974 - This is camp horror movie perfection. It lampoons all the tropes while delivering great laughs and some very unsettling moments with the monster. Filmed in black and white, it retains an edge that color might have washed away. Igor eating the fur stole is a brilliant moment.
1. Alien/Aliens - 1979, 1986 - This is where I hope to regain your faith. Alien is the number one scariest movie I've ever seen. Nothing has kept me up nights like Alien. Aliens, while a very different movie with it's high action, brighter lighting, and constant explosions, is still really amazingly frightening. In spite of the terror they inspire, I'd watch these over and over. The style, sets, and the ambiance are so compelling. You'll note Alien 3 is not on here. I saw it, wasn't impressed, and then I lost interest in the franchise. But Alien and Aliens will always be there for me.
Alright, I know this list simply must cause some scratching of heads in bafflement. What are your horror cult movie favorites? Leave a comment here, or link up to your blog with a relevant post and I'll go read it for myself.
Pax, all.
Image Credit - Zuni Fetish Doll. Promotional image. Trilogy of Terror with Karen Black
Monday, July 23, 2012
Prompt the Muse #39 - Speculative Writing Prompt
Image: Squiggly Lines

Image Credit: Dust devil tracks on Mars, NASA.
1. Grape Vines
2. Particle tracks from a supercollider experiment
3. Singed hair
4. Crackled ceramic glaze
5. Monster fingerprint
6. Tangled spider webs
7. Alien runes
8. Road Map
9. Disease
10. Blood Vessels
Friday, July 20, 2012
Celebrating Inclusive Spec-Fic and Poetry with A Zombie Anthem
It's no surprise that speculative poetry and fiction are growing to include more diverse points of view. In this kind of writing, everyone gets to define "normal" in their own way. As we as a species learn to value our differences, spec-fic offers an excellent platform for working out our unconscious (and conscious) ideas of how we can view the "other" as "just another one of us." Here we can teach ourselves how to see all humans (and perhaps someday all robots and aliens) as "normal."
So along these lines, I have to say how happy I am that my poem "A Zombie Anthem" was picked up by Eye to the Telescope for their July 2012 themed issue of LBGTQ Speculative Poetry. The poetry reflects a range of moods, concepts, and experiences which play with the whole notion of gender. Also, keep your eye on this "Eye" since ETTT has a different editor for every issue, which offers up its own kind of diversity in themes and styles.
In the process of submitting for the above, I encountered some publications I didn't know were out there. This is hardly an exhaustive list, but I thought I'd mention one or two.
Back in January, Stone Telling produced Bridging: The Queer Issue. This speculative poetry quarterly has been inclusive since its inception, stating, "we are especially interested in seeing work that is multi-cultural and boundary-crossing, work that deals with othering and Others, work that considers race, gender, sexuality, identity, and disability issues in nontrivial and evocative ways."
The speculative fiction magazine The Future Fire has published feminist and queer themed issues, and actively "seeks stories by women, people of colour, LGBTQ folk, and other groups under-represented in genre fiction." They have an upcoming issue requesting "new stories told from the perspective of the colonized. We want the cultures, languages and literatures of colonized peoples and recombocultural individuals to be heard. We want stories that neither exoticize nor culturally appropriate the non-western settings and characters in them."
The twice yearly publication Collective Fallout is "dedicated to queer-themed sci-fi, fantasy, horror, mystery and other speculative short fiction, poetry, and art. We hope what you find here opens your minds and makes you think about what queer literature means to our culture. It is not just entertainment. It is a teacher and a tool. It is a statement of past, present, and future."
The Outer Alliance is a group of "SF/F writers who have come together as allies for the advocacy of LGBT issues in literature. Made up of individuals of all walks of life, our goal is to educate, support, and celebrate LGBT contributions in the science-fiction and fantasy genres." Their site offers news, links, and updates on upcoming themed issues of interest.
Of all the publications I've run into so far, the "encouraging diversity" award goes to Expanded Horizons. Now I consider myself a very inclusive and welcoming individual, but EH has a list of types of diversity I had not even considered. I mean it. Beyond issues of gender, ethnic background, the physically and mentally disabled, they specifically call out those who are "otherkin" and those with unusual sensory perceptions. The success of this approach is evident in their May issue, of which every single story is unique and engrossing.
I'm always looking for more. What inclusive speculative fiction journals and resources are your favorites?
Pax, all
Image Credit: Chalk Rainbow, by Pink Sherbet Photography, on Flikr via Creative Commons, CC 2.0
So along these lines, I have to say how happy I am that my poem "A Zombie Anthem" was picked up by Eye to the Telescope for their July 2012 themed issue of LBGTQ Speculative Poetry. The poetry reflects a range of moods, concepts, and experiences which play with the whole notion of gender. Also, keep your eye on this "Eye" since ETTT has a different editor for every issue, which offers up its own kind of diversity in themes and styles.
In the process of submitting for the above, I encountered some publications I didn't know were out there. This is hardly an exhaustive list, but I thought I'd mention one or two.
Back in January, Stone Telling produced Bridging: The Queer Issue. This speculative poetry quarterly has been inclusive since its inception, stating, "we are especially interested in seeing work that is multi-cultural and boundary-crossing, work that deals with othering and Others, work that considers race, gender, sexuality, identity, and disability issues in nontrivial and evocative ways."
The speculative fiction magazine The Future Fire has published feminist and queer themed issues, and actively "seeks stories by women, people of colour, LGBTQ folk, and other groups under-represented in genre fiction." They have an upcoming issue requesting "new stories told from the perspective of the colonized. We want the cultures, languages and literatures of colonized peoples and recombocultural individuals to be heard. We want stories that neither exoticize nor culturally appropriate the non-western settings and characters in them."
The twice yearly publication Collective Fallout is "dedicated to queer-themed sci-fi, fantasy, horror, mystery and other speculative short fiction, poetry, and art. We hope what you find here opens your minds and makes you think about what queer literature means to our culture. It is not just entertainment. It is a teacher and a tool. It is a statement of past, present, and future."
The Outer Alliance is a group of "SF/F writers who have come together as allies for the advocacy of LGBT issues in literature. Made up of individuals of all walks of life, our goal is to educate, support, and celebrate LGBT contributions in the science-fiction and fantasy genres." Their site offers news, links, and updates on upcoming themed issues of interest.
Of all the publications I've run into so far, the "encouraging diversity" award goes to Expanded Horizons. Now I consider myself a very inclusive and welcoming individual, but EH has a list of types of diversity I had not even considered. I mean it. Beyond issues of gender, ethnic background, the physically and mentally disabled, they specifically call out those who are "otherkin" and those with unusual sensory perceptions. The success of this approach is evident in their May issue, of which every single story is unique and engrossing.
I'm always looking for more. What inclusive speculative fiction journals and resources are your favorites?
Pax, all
Image Credit: Chalk Rainbow, by Pink Sherbet Photography, on Flikr via Creative Commons, CC 2.0
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Top Ten Cult Movie Favorites: Fantasy
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Tim Curry as Darkness. Oh yeah. |
Interestingly, this list was the most fun to make of any of my top three (I'll post horror next week.) I'm not sure why - perhaps because most of my fantasy cult favorites are also adventure films in one way or another. My sci-fi seems more serious, and horror can be, you know ... scary.
In any case, trying to pull this together was both very entertaining and very frustrating. I had to drop a huge stack of fantastic films in order to whittle this down to ten. Fantasy ends up being a catch-all genre for anything with supernatural elements that are not horrific or futuristic. I had to cut Raiders of the Lost Arc, Clash of the Titans, The Hobbit, Highlander, Yellow Submarine, Conan the Whatever, The Beastmaster, Charlotte's Web, and on and on.
10. Krull - 1983 - There was more hokey, campy fantasy in the 80's than Max Headroom could shake a stick at. Here we have witches, horses with fire coming out of their feet, a cyclops, a magical ninja throwing star, and the whole prince-saves-princess thing. At least that last cliche is busted when it takes both of their powers (their love, actually, yikes) to defeat the big bad.
9. Wizard of Oz - 1939 - The oldest film on all three lists, this classic is still one of my favorites. Based on Baum's book published in 1900, this movie is still entertaining (sometimes in ways it wasn't meant to be). The fantasy elements are handled beautifully, with joy, awe, horror, and a nice neat little moral all rolled up into one. The color is of course phenomenal, because (egads) every single frame was hand painted.
8. The Last Unicorn - 1982 - Okay, back to the 80's. This one has that creepy Rankin Bass animation style, but is still fun to watch. It's also surprisingly disturbing for a kid's fantasy flick. The voice cast is canonically star-studded again, and the group America did the soundtrack. Really.
7. Legend - 1985 - More eighties bizarre camp with so many stars it just does not make sense. Tim Curry as "Darkness" (in a costume that makes Rocky Horror look subtle) is the best thing in the film. Oddly juxtaposed music from Tangerine dream and the lead singers from Yes and Roxy Music add to the sense of the surreal.
6. Excalibur - 1981 - This movie was the first full-blown treatment of high fantasy I ever saw, so it made a huge impression. The movie also doesn't really make much sense, as it is cobbled together from a mass of different legends, and blends historical features from a span of several hundred years. I still enjoy it for the epic feel and the amazing images. Still have to laugh at the sex scene where the dude does not even bother to take his armor off.
5. The Dark Crystal - 1983 - Okay, yes, you think I am crazy now. I can't help it, I really like this movie. It has so much fun fantasy, great puppeteering, and excellent voice work. I re-watched it recently for the millionth time and realized that I Am Fizgig.
4. Sleeping Beauty, Disney - 1959 - The style is so lush and iconic. It formed a strong idea in my head of what was meant by "medieval." The real stars are the fairies, who mess up the day and then save it. Oh yeah, I Am Also Merryweather. Make it blue. Seriously.
3. Ladyhawke - 1985 - Once again, stars all over the place in this one. This movie has an 'A' movie feel with a 'B' movie plot. Some great sets and good acting, as well as a really creepy story and nasty villain, make it a favorite.
2. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - 1975 - Fantasy at its absolute craziest. This movie truly defines 'cult' for me. You watch it over and over and laugh every time, and then get pissed off at the stupid ending. The foul tempered rodent and the holy hand grenade are total genius.
1. The Princess Bride - 1987 - Too romantic? Too mushy? Well, probably, but this just has to be my number one in this category. It simply must. Wonderful jokes, more star studded than the other stuff I said was star studded, gorgeous sets and scenery, as well as fencing. As the bad guy says, "a trifle simple perhaps but her appeal is undeniable."
Well, there you have it. I'm really curious to find out what your personal cult fantasy favorites are, and how you chose them. Drop me a comment, or point me towards your blog!
Pax, all.
Image Credit: Character 'Darkness'. Actor - Tim Curry. Promotional photo for the movie Legend.
Fantasy and Myth,
Internet Memes,
Top Ten Lists
Monday, July 16, 2012
Rhysling Spec-Fic Poetry Winners
The Science Fiction Poetry Association has announced their winners for the 2012 Rhysling Awards (which I blogged about just this Friday). I was happy to see a number of my personal favorites from the contest anthology on this list. These poems are of excellent quality, with that fascinating twist one only gets from speculative writing. It is great to see that speculative fiction poetry is alive and very well!
Short Poem
Credits: Format taken from Strange Horizons, here,
Short Poem
- Shira Lipkin, "The Library, After" (Mythic Delirium 24)
- Erik Amundsen, "The Lend" (Stone Telling 5)
- Lyn C. A. Gardner, "In Translation" (Tales of the Talisman, vol 7, issue 4)
- Megan Arkenberg, "The Curator Speaks in the Department of Dead Languages" (Strange Horizons, 27 June 2011)
- G. O. Clark and Kendall Evans, "The 25-Cent Rocket: One-Quarter of the Way to the Stars" (Dreams & Nightmares, issue 89)
- Mary Turzillo, "The Legend of the Emperor's Space Suit (A Tale of Consensus Reality)" (NewMyths.com, issue 17)
Credits: Format taken from Strange Horizons, here,
Prompt the Muse #38 - Speculative Writing Prompt
Image: Warrior with Gun
Image Credit: Warrior with Gun, Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain
Friday, July 13, 2012
What's the Best Spec-Fic Poetry? - Reading the Rhyslings

If you enjoy poetry about science-fiction, horror, fantasy, science, astronomy, slipstream, and the otherwise speculative, then you will want to take a look at the Science Fiction Poetry Association. The SFPA is the society that produces the Rhysling Anthology, and one of the best perks of being a member is being able to both nominate and vote for poems to win this award. Poems are nominated from those published in the previous calendar year of 2011.
This year the anthology holds 175 pages of entertaining, creepy, thought-provoking, bizarre, humorous, scary, technical, inspiring, awesome, quirky, and unique poetry in a range of forms and styles. A lot of poetry anthologies come out every year, but if you are a fan of the spec-fic genres, then this one is a definite must. You don't need to be a member to get a copy; they are available on the SFPA site.
I'm not going to give away my personal tops from the book ... but I am going to mention a few of the pieces that really struck me for one reason or another.
The Witch's Heart by Nichole Kornher-Stace is a nice slice of dread. The witch represents a host of what humans grieve, regret, and fear. The language is colloquial but not contrived, and the pace clips along evenly to the creepy end.
the more space by Ann K. Schwader is just a tiny thing, only five lines and sixteen words. But with great conservation of language, it conveys a powerful sense of loss. Taking it somewhat literally, it brings to mind the loss of the night sky to the light pollution of cities.
The Curator Speaks in the Department of Dead Languages by Megan Arkenberg is a well woven piece that brings the reader in immediately. The speaker laments the struggle of translating ancient texts when the languages have completely vanished, yet the poem conveys the hope found in tenacity and fortitude.
Speaking to the Hangman is Not Permitted by J.E. Stanley is a poem describing a corrupt trial in a dystopian future. The piece conveys apprehension that grows into horror when the reader realizes that either the (apparently innocent) defendant will be executed, or the whole jury.
Did you have a favorite poem published last year that didn't get nominated? What (and where) was it? Do you have your own favorites from this anthology to share? Let me know your opinions.
Pax, all
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Top Ten Cult Movie Favorites: Science Fiction
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Logan 5's time has run out. |
What is a cult movie? There are a mind-numbing number of possible definitions. I read a bunch of them for the sake of being educated. Then I figured I would go ahead and make up my own definition and rubric for that extra-personal touch.
Most definitions I read online focused on the movie doing poorly at initial release, but later becoming an underground success with a niche audience. But for me, the most important aspect of "cult" is that I have - and will - watch the movie over and over and over. It has to be a movie that isn't just a personal favorite, but is one I'm obsessive about. You know, like a cult sort of thing.
So here is how I picked my top ten ...
- Has to be at least 25 years old. I took anything from 1987 or older.
- I have to have seen it at least five times. Points for every time over that I've watched the film. Special bonus points for anything I've seen 25 times or more.
- Points for movies my family and friends can't stand
- Points for movies that didn't do well at the box office
- Points for movies that have not been remade/rebooted, and have not lead to any sequels.
- Points if I own a copy. I don't buy many movies, so this is a pretty good sign of my feelings towards a film.
So okay, in proper top ten style, starting with number ten ...
10. Tron - 1982 - Some think it's too bad to be good, but I really enjoy this film. The vision of what goes on inside a computer is fascinating, and of course the difference in tech between now and then leads to many laughs. I didn't see the sequel, and probably won't. (You're a user!)
9. Blade Runner - 1982 - This is of course an amazing movie that has great acting and an overwhelming atmosphere. It's a bit darker and more drama-like than most of my preferred sci-fi, but was too awesome to leave out. (It's too bad she won't live.)
8. Logan's Run - 1976 - Amazingly hokey and predictable, but still an entertaining romp through a bizarre future world. It was supposed to be serious, but seeing Farah Fawcett try to act in a bit part here pushes it over into the realm of the ridiculous. York is good, as always. (Renew!)
7. The Andromeda Strain - 1971 - Even though this movie has been remade, the old version still makes my list. This was one of the first sci-fi movies I wanted to see anytime it came on the tube. (Flashing lights remind me of my time in a bordello.)
6. Dark Star - 1974 - A lesser known dark comedy about a crew of humans who have the job of destroying planets that might become orbitally unstable, thereby making the universe safe for human colonization. The scenes with an alien beach ball creature eventually gave rise to the concept behind the movie Alien. (Phenomenology.)
5. Robocop - 1987 - I love the juxtaposition of "real" gritty city life against the shiny corporate machine (literally), all set against dry gags about our dystopian future. There is so much ass-kicking, too. (Sun Block 3000)
4. Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan - 1982 - In spite of the massive Star Trek franchise, The Wrath of Khan is very high on my cult movie list. In fact, I have to say it's an awesome movie all around, with a very tight script, good acting, excellent pace, solid plot, and great special effects. (Khaaan!)
3. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension - 1984 - A fabulous, bizarre adventure with the canonical star-studded cast. The humor ranges from surreal, to dry, to dark, to utterly absurd. The concepts are so whacky you just can't stop watching. (What's that watermelon doing there?)
2. Flash Gordon - 1980 - This fantastically campy comic book of a film has a score by Queen and a huge number of disturbingly famous actors. It is in my top five cult films of ANY genre, time, or place. I can hardly say why, but I love this film. (Fly my hawkmen!)
1. Star Wars Trilogy - 1977, 1980, 1983 - In spite of its popularity, the fact that it is a huge franchise, how much money it has made, etc., I was forced to put the original Star Wars Trilogy at the top of my list. I have long, long since lost track of the number of times I have seen Star Wars. Added to the number of times I've seen Empire and Jedi, it's probably over a hundred. (It's a trap!)
A brief moment of silence for all those great movies that just didn't make the cut like The Road Warrior, Time Bandits, and the Planet of the Apes.
I want to hear from you! What are your top ten cult sci-fi movies? How did you pick them? Go ahead and put your thoughts in the comments here, or do your own blog post on the subject and post the link in my comments so I can come and check it out.
Pax, All
Image: Logan 5 from the movie Logan's Run, Wikipedia
Monday, July 9, 2012
Prompt the Muse #37 - Speculative Writing Prompt
Art: Horned Man

Image Credit: Horned Man, Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Honoring Your Guru - A Few Callouts on the Fourth of July
Art: Guru Purnima by Sarah Noble

I've always been troubled that for some people, the fourth of July is only about military achievement. While I deeply appreciate the sacrifices of service men and women, and was raised by two service people myself, I don't choose to emphasize that element on the fourth (I do that on Memorial Day and Veteran's Day). On the fourth of July, I choose to focus on great endeavors by Americans that have enhanced our quality of life, deepened our sense of shared culture, expanded our minds, and paved the way for a new future.
I do not mean to suggest that the people on my list were perfect, or had universally noble lives. But for me, each has added something to my personal world that I appreciate. I can't offer my full list since it would go on for hundreds of pages, so here are just a handful of Americans that I'm going to call out:
George Washington, mostly for refusing to be king
Martin Luther King, Jr, for promoting civil rights
Edgar Allen Poe, for creepy literature and poetry
Harriet Tubman, for sneaking slaves north, like herself
Jonas Salk, for polio vaccine and other research
John Muir, for institutionalizing conservationism
Nikola Tesla, for incredible and bizarre inventions
Jackie Robinson, told not to fight back for two years and did it
Clara Barton, for founding the Red Cross
Although I have to add a couple specifically related to my own fields of specialization in astronomy/planetary science/and especially the Moon, like: Gene and Carolyn Shoemaker, Carl Sagan, everybody who made the Moon landings possible ... I could go on for a while ...
So, who are some of the people that would be on your list? Who has inspired your dreams, from both near and far?
Pax, All
Image Credit: Artist Sarah Noble, Piece Guru Purnima. Sarah's words - "The next full Moon is Tomorrow, July 3rd. The Moon will be opposite the Sun at at time when we cannot see it (2:52 pm EDT), but will appear full for about 3 days centered on this time, from late Sunday night/early Monday morning through early Thursday morning. This month's painting is from Hindu tradition, this is the Guru Full Moon (Guru Purnima) and is celebrated as a time for clearing the mind and honoring your guru."
Internet Memes,
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Monday, July 2, 2012
Prompt the Muse #36 - Speculative Writing Prompt
Image: Planetary Nebula
Image Credit: Planetary Nebula NGC 6751, NASA, Hubble Heritage Project
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