Friday, August 19, 2016

Monthly Meeting and a little Sci-Fi

This evening was the monthly meeting of the Maryland Writer's Association Howard County Chapter, of which I am a member.  We had hopes to hear something along the lines of "Everything You Need to Know About Writing Science Fiction" but alas, our speaker never arrived.  While we waited, our President had us play a writing game or two, which was fun.  But when we finally resigned ourselves to the fact that we 'speakerless' we took the matter of our continuing entertainment and enlightenment into our own hands.

We held a free form discussion about Science Fiction and related speculative fiction genres like Fantasy and Horror.  Of the dozen-ish people that were present, five were sci-fi writers, including myself.  It was interesting to hear other writer's takes on the definition of Science Fiction, as well as how they became interested in the genre, and why they write in it now.  A lot of us were influenced by popular movies and TV, as well as some of the 'classic' writers, as one might expect.  Also not surprisingly, most of us had been writing in these genres since we were pretty young.

Also nice was the random chance that found me seated next to someone I had met a few years ago, who has since written and published her memoir.  So I have yet another book on my to-read list, and this one not fiction for a change.  The addition of great home baked treats like blueberry-lemon doughnuts and cookies assuaged our sadness over our missing speaker!

One topic that was brought up as we closed out the meeting was the topic of critique groups.  I still don't have a critique group, and would really like to be in one.  With my crazy travel schedule, though, I've been avoiding trying to get involved in a time commitment I can't meet.  But yet I keep considering it - there has to be some form of group, perhaps an online group, that would work for me.

Last thought - did you catch that great full moon tonight?  It has me thinking of fall and Halloween already, two of my favorite things ... oh, and that chapbook of childhood horror poetry that is coming along oh, so slowly ...

Image Credit - Logo for the MWA Howard County Chapter.

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