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Munch's 1895 painting "The Vampire" |
I tend to prefer my vampires to be seen for what they are - blood-sucking demons of the night. That does not mean they can't be sympathetic, even romantic. But the "reality" needs to be there in some fashion for me to take interest. It'll be no surprise then that Twilight does not make my Halloween list. But neither does Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992). That's a gorgeous picture, but for some reason that movie just does not work for me. I'm not drawn to that Dracula, who is so over the top he's campy. The movie isn't bad enough to be so-bad-it's-good, and there are too many other actually intentionally campy vampire flicks to watch instead, if that's what you are looking for (like the already listed What We Do in the Shadows). It was really tough, but after much consideration, I picked the following three vampire movies that I think cover a lot of ground for good Halloween-vampire-viewing.
Once again, SPOILERS abound herein, so watch first and read later.
10. Nosferatu (1922)

When our hero Hutter first travels to the Count Orlok's lands, he is naive and jolly, thinking always of his wife and the coin he's going to make with this major sale. Watching him come to terms with what is really happening in the castle is excellent horror. After the sale, the vampire has himself, a lot of dirt, and hundreds of rats all boxed up and shipped off to his new home. The scenes on the ship are the most disturbing, with sailors dropping off one by one, and no chance for any escape. The rats as plague symbols are a nice touch, and the townspeople do believe that the plague is upon them. People keep dying, and almost no one knows who is truly to blame. In the end, well, it is up to the heroine Ellen to make the ultimate sacrifice to rid the world of this evil.
It's is a fine Halloween movie, and might really be the way to start off the season, depending our your tastes. I have it here holding the place for the old, classic terrors of the genre.
11. Fright Night (1985)

I think the film makes for a perfect Halloweeny offering. I have Fright Night here holding the place for the "modern" vampire movie, which includes a bit of camp and comedy along with solid scares, and a good-guys triumph kind of ending.
12. Let Me In (2010)
I thought hard about what movie I wanted to be my sort of "post-modern" cerebral vampire flick. There were a few contenders (say like Only Lovers Left Alive), but I wanted to pick something I thought might stand up to repeat Halloween viewings, and at the same time highlight the complex but ultimately nasty nature of vampires. Let Me In contains so very much of interest to unpack. I think the most telling aspect of the film is viewed through the trope of the "vampire henchman." It is through this lens that we understand Abby's deep brutality, and the depths of her feral nature.

As Thomas methodically goes through the motions of killing and collecting blood, he shows little emotion other than weariness. He admits to Abby that he is getting careless, perhaps on purpose, because part of him wants to be caught. It becomes clear that he does this work only because he has deep feelings for Abby, to the point that when he does get caught, he burns his face off with acid so the police cannot use him as a trail back to her. His last act is to offer her his blood. Abby takes the injured man up on the offer, allowing him to suffer enough blood loss that he tumbles unconscious from a window and dies.
Enter the neighbor boy Owen. Isolated and bullied, he is highly vulnerable and easy to manipulate. Abby appears to be genuinely fond of Owen, but more, she desperately needs him. Old photos show Abby with a young Thomas, and the implications are that she groomed him from childhood to be her helper. Behaviors repeat in this movie (like bullies creating more bullies) letting the viewer know that this "creating a henchman" is another repeating pattern. By plan or by mere circumstance, she slowly enures Owen to the sight of blood and violence, to the point of him allowing her to kill someone right in front of him. This culminates when she saves Owen from bullies (who are all tweens or teens themselves) by tearing them into literal pieces, and Owen smiles. When he and Abby run away together at the end of the film, the viewer knows with dread certainty that this once sensitive boy is doomed to Thomas's future of lies, deception, and murder.
This movie isn't scary, it is instead utterly horrific. While I'm still not sure it is exactly Halloweeny as I usually define these things, it is the most unique and effective film I've seen for expressing the terror that is the vampire, and thus finds it's place on this list.
Image Credits: The Vampire by Edvard Munch, public domain , from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Edvard_Munch_-_Vampire_(1895)_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Nosferatu https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/nosferatu Fright night , my movie and from https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1007910_fright_night/pictures#&gid=1&pid=n-229564 Let Me In my movie and from https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/let_me_in/pictures/#&gid=1&pid=n-91546
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