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Time does it's thing. 2019 is on the way! |
2018 has been filled with ups and downs, but overall I'm calling it a win. That might be because, as the years go by, I'm becoming more of an optimist. This seems impossible under the present circumstances of the world, and yet I see it happening to myself. With some surprise, I see my old cynicism being overtaken by a sort of circumspect, determined hopefulness. A sense that things can and will change, and that I can be a meaningful part of making the world a better place.
Now, I'm not sure my schedule for 2019 is really a reflection of my trying to improve the world, or just a result of my having some amazing opportunities to share science, education, writing, poetry, and more fun stuff. It is all hard work, but I love it so much.
So here just a bit of the intense geekery that this scientist/writer/poet/advocate hopes to have on tap for 2019 ...
Women in Space Conference, February 2019, Arizona. http://www.womeninspacecon.com/
I'm working with some amazing science and education colleagues to present a talk entitled "Space Ethics and Our Expanding Vision for Exploration: Core Conversations," as well as a poster about "Remote Mentoring of Postdocs - A Preliminary Look at Effective Approaches to Increase the Accessibility of Postdoc Opportunities." Haven't heard yet if I might end up on a panel there, too, but that'd be great if so.
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 2019, Texas. https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2019/
One of my two big science conferences every year. Okay, the abstracts are not in yet for this, but I'm planning to submit for a talk about our research into the needs and barriers of scientists who want to engage in public outreach. We're just finishing up the manuscript, so now is a good time to share. I'm also planning to get in on a poster with colleagues from our SSERVI TREX group about the maturity of the lunar regolith. AND I'll be in on a poster about looking at the relative age of impact crater ejecta in different wavelengths. No doubt I'll be helping out new-timer students and postodocs with reviewing their talks and posters. I'll also continue to be a part of the group that makes sure the Susan Neibur Women's Networking Event happens every year - it's a fantastic event. Busy, busy meeting.
Balticon, May 2019, Maryland. https://www.balticon.org/wp53/
I have so many ideas for this, and I really have to get my stuff sent in! I've an idea for a fun science panel, as well as a presentation on "Planetary Impacts: From Creation to Destruction." Also a writing presentation about "Making Science Work in Your Fiction: Beyond Facts and Research to the Heart of Your Story." So I'll get those ideas in and see what the programmers might like ...
World Science Fiction Convention, August 2019, Dublin. https://dublin2019.com/
My first WorldCon! I've been talked into this by a good friend who has gone for years. (Note pre-twisted arm.) Plus I've never been to Ireland. So this could be a lot of fun. She and I have an idea for a fun panel and some excellent panelists for the science track. And we are going to propose a tag-team science talk that should be very thought provoking and get lots of audience response! So stay tuned to see what the programming committee decides on our stuffs.
Hippocamp, August 2019, Pennsylvania. http://hippocamp2019.hippocampusmagazine.com/
This is an excellent creative nonfiction conference that I've had my eye on since my memior-writer sister pointed it out to me. I've proposed a session on a topic that is near and dear to my heart, "A Glorious Alchemy: Blending Science and Nonfiction to Create Writing that Readers Crave." Hope the programming committee picks it up because I'm so stoked to present it! But even if not, this will be a great place to become more in touch with the nonfiction community, and learn more about my own nonfiction process.
AAS Division for Planetary Sciences Annual Meeting, September 2019, Geneva. https://dps.aas.org/
The second of my two big science conferences each year. In 2019 we are meeting internationally, joint with the EPSC in Switzerland. Many plans still in the works. This is going to be great ...
HallowRead 2019, October 2019, Maryland. http://hallowread.com/
Near and dear to my heart, this little horror writers' conference is not to be missed by anyone in the DMV area. It is mostly home to paranormal romance, but any stripe or flavor of horror is welcome. Relaxed, casual, and very welcoming. I've been the only poet going, and so the organizer named me her Poet Laureate, which makes me smile from ear to ear. I have plans to do a "Science in your Horror" workshop this year. I have a reputation to uphold, as people keep asking me what I'm going to do to top my last two workshops. This, as you can see, is a very positive and friendly group!
Other possibilities I really have to make a choice about VERY SOON ... can't do everything (can't I?)
Muse in the Marketplace, April 2019.
Stokercon, May 2019.
Readercon, July 2019.
And more! Gonna have to work to carve out my science research time, and my actual story writing time! I want to see myself do a lot of submitting this year, so I've got my work cut out for me!
Image Credit: Free download from Pixabay https://pixabay.com/en/time-moondial-time-machine-1842674/ found via Creative Commons CC 3.0
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