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Stories coming to life on the screen, yep. |
Some weeks have seen the production of multiple stories, while others (especially when I was on vacation) saw no stories. All in all, I'm one story behind. I'm pretty happy with this progress, since while I've been writing the short stories I've also been writing and submitting poetry and continuing with edits on two novels. Not to mention the blogs and ... well, you know how it is.
Here are the stories by working title, genre, and word count.
- Priorities, Science Fiction - Robot, 99
- A Natural Disaster, Fantasy - Urban, 697
- +Hidden Things, Science Fiction - Dystopian, 850
- ++Nanostories, Various, ~100 (Stories for Twitter zines, 140 characters each)
- New Year's Resolution, Horror - Zombie, 4925
- Walking on Eggshells, Horror - Paranormal, 6136
- Hobby, Horror - Serial Killer, 100
- How My Dog Almost Ended Poverty, Science Fiction - Humor, 7003
- ++For Sale, Horror - Humor, 243
- What God Says, Science Fiction - Urban, 995
- Dark Gold Spinner, Horror - Fairy Tale, 4360
- Learning to Taste, Horror - Werewolf, 6496
- ooops.
Total word count is 32,000 words, which is an average of 2667 for each of the twelve weeks. I was thinking it would be closer to 3500 but there are a lot of flash pieces in there.
Good Stuff
Three of the stories above have (+) marks next to them. "Hidden Things" has one + mark. It made it to the very last round of screening for a professional journal. I've yet to sell one of my stories or poems at a professional rate, and so this is a benchmark for me. The journal sent the piece back with lots of great comments, and a lot of encouragement. So I'm going to let it sit a while, go through another round of edits, and see if a different pro journal wants to pick it up.
The story "For Sale" and one of my nanostories "Blind Date" were selected for publication. Another nanostory "The Skeleton" won a small online Twitter contest. (I also had three poems published this quarter, and another scheduled.)
Plans and Issues for Next Quarter
So during this next quarter I'll need to write 14 stories, and I'm going to see if I can write a little less flash. I'd like to see more stories in the 3K to 5K range. But there are going to be a couple of other challenges for the second quarter, which for me runs from July 30th to October 28th.
I had already decided to dedicate the month of September to finishing the next round of edits on one of my novels. I don't know if I'll have time to write anything else at all in September. I also have a week in October where I'll be at a professional science conference, and I suspect writing time will be hard to come by. That means I lose five of my thirteen weeks. If I am going to stay on track, I will need to produce two to three stories every single week in August. I do have a week set aside for a writing retreat, but it might not be enough. We'll have to see.
I am also continuing towards my goal of having a horror chapbook of poems ready to submit for contests and publishing sometime next year. That process includes writing, editing and submitting individual poems to journals up front. I had a few poems picked up so far this year, so I'm hopeful.
Well, I have my work cut out for me. How about you? What does the next quarter have in store?
Pax, All
Image Credit Computer, PhotoExpress.com
1 comment:
Awesome goal, to write so many stories. It's not impossible, but life tends to get in the way and it pays to be flexible. ;)
My only goal is to finish my novel til autumn (no clear date) and revise it in winter. I can't wait to start editing, but I'm trying not to rush things. Speed is overrated, IMO, quality however... is something I'm always gonna work my ass off for.
Wish you endurance & FUN with your goal, J.A.
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